Indonesia Sehat 2010; Imagining Society

The future of Indonesia’s picture are drawn by its youth. The substantial factor of basic need such as food is still questionable for Indonesian, so plenty of cultural problems are faced present day. In my opinion, there’s always a chance to change, so it’s not a proper paradigm to place health as “boobling under videos” priority. Without healthy mind, body, and soul, how do the people could grab better achievement ? So, it’s parallel with basic need in abstract paradigm, healthy lifestyle as important as safety and chance to grab better vertical mobility- ie education- for all kind of level. To place healthy- the abstract need- with the concrete basic need- food,clothes, settlement- in the similar box must become a part of first thing first list. It’s a fallacy to place abstract need after concrete need, if we wants to build anew Indonesia, both of it are urgent- important aspect of life.

In more than 30 years since 1967, Indonesia made substantial progress. A period of economic growth was experienced which successfully resulted in raising the per capita income from USD 50 in 1968 to USD 1,124 in 1996. These achievements received a severe set back in mid-1997 when the Indonesian economy collapsed. The value of the currency plummeted, prices increased, and unemployment rose dramatically. In addition, parts of the country suffered from relatively long droughts and extensive forest fires. This sudden crisis resulted in political turmoil and change of government. Although the health status of Indonesians was not affected drastically in the short term, the economic crisis certainly slowed down the development of the health system. The ensuing political instability had a direct impact on economic recover.

Tuberculosis is a major health problem. It is the second highest cause of death and the first killer for infectious diseases. It is estimated that 175,000 people die every year from tuberculosis. The DOTS strategy has been expanded to 225 districts (74.8%) out of a total at 311 districts, covering 88 out of the 210 million people. The health of women and children continues to be a problem. With five million pregnancies every year in Indonesia, more than 20,000 women die annually during pregnancy and delivery. The high number of maternal deaths is especially a problem in rural areas with limited access to delivery by skilled attendants and an inadequate referral system. Almost 50% of women give birth without skilled attendants and 70% have no postpartum care during the six weeks following delivery. Indonesians are increasingly exposed to health risks from environmental hazards. Cases of severe urban air pollution and massive air contamination of ground and surface water resources by industries and households are common. Many potentially harmful chemicals are readily available to the public and are regularly used at places of work in agriculture, industry and commerce. Food contamination of both microbiological and chemical origin is a major issue

Per capita consumption of medicines is relatively small in Indonesia. Indonesia’s per capita consumption of medicines is one third of per capital consumption in Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand value and 1/9 of consumption per capita in Singapore. With a population of around 220 million consumption of medicines in the country was only US$ 1.8 billion in value or about the same as the consumption value by the Philippines with a population of only 70 million. According to the IMS Health, per capita consumption of medicines in the country averages only US$ 6-8 a year as against US$ 15 in Malaysia or US$ 58,5 in Singapore.The market potency of Indonesia is the biggest among all, vice versa the number of consumption.

The low consumption is partly attributable to low purchasing power of the consumers. The government, therefore, launched the generic medicine program in 1989 requiring government health installations to use generic medicines. The campaigns to popularize the use of generic medicines has also been launched among the private sector. The success in the program curbed an increase in the price of patent products.

Lately, the health ministry raised the prices of generic medicines. Based on a decision of the health minister No.112/VII/2003, the prices of 153 types of generic medicines were raised by a range of 5% to 50%.In the 1998-2002 period, the market share of generic medicines grew by 41.3% annually on the average. The fast growth showed that demand for generic medicines has continued to increase especially amid the weak purchasing power of the people. The Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM) has continued to increase supply of generic medicines as the government carries an obligation to meet the medicinal requirement of the people especially low income people.


So, how about the health capitalization? Sounds evil, huh ? Yes, health is so priceless, and also expensive- for some people-, its all about state of mind. We can’t count for healthy need if we don’t know the purchasing level of Indonesian. It’s a fact that healthcare business is a huge industry with vast commodity. Knowing the data of purchasing level will help us to converse the cause and result.

Lets talk ‘bout business now, we can separate the health factor in three stages, to promote, prevent, and cure. Each functional aspect need for specific commodity and off course, there are several big business player with their own portofolio. The low end of Indonesia market segment is dominant. The market character is uneducated with the urge and important of health life, we can compare the cigarette and pharmacy market data below. They can spend for cigarette three three times than drugs. So that low purchasing level is’nt the only factor but also the people’s state of mind ‘bout health itself.

The market size of cure aspect is so crowded, red ocean. The media try to expose phytopharmacy as the next big thing, but I’m not sure with the prediction. The people buy jamu because of their purchasing level, but, if they look for quality of medical treatment, they still rely on conventional ones. The market size of herbs is still dominated by West Europe, mostly by Germany ( 26% ) and and followed by Asia ( not including Japan, 12 %). The future of phytopharmaca will be dominant as food supplement and food additives, to promote and prevent, but not to cure.

So, considering in market state of mind. The players should invest in social aspect, to educate the urge and important of healthy lifestyle. The wash hand and daily tooth-gums health culture campaign i.e. is a brilliant example, to promote aspect product line. The low cost investment will build a bold trust in customer mind. It will need a long time to educate market, but be sure that there will be customer loyalty next time.

Picture taken from here

Data taken from Dataindo Intiswakarsa and various resources

by : Maximillian

Satu komentar

  1. rumahherbalku

    We all hope so that the plans will work properly. As we know, pharmacy’s drugs are still high enough to reach for our majority citizen. The price are too high, not included the practitioner’s fee!
    So why don’t we start 2009’s plan with giving more budget to any professional who are interested in studying herbal medicines. For information, we’re too much left behind, comparing with our “neighborhood” such as Thai and Malay.

  2. listyareina

    lih, ktny skrg uda bukan indonesia sehat 2010, tapi indonesia sehat 2020

  3. James Riady

    Makan Roti Koq Tambah O ‘On

    Kemarin ini saya tertawa terkekeh-kekeh karena ada orang berkata: Anak saya, saya makanin roti tiap hari, koq nggak tambah pintar, tapi tambah O’On (Bloon).

    Inilah perkataan Sue Dengate mengenai pemakaian pengawet roti supaya roti bisa awet lebih dari 2 hari yg saya quote dari artikel “Bread for success”:

    Author and food intolerance counsellor Sue Dengate has researched calcium propionate, commonly known as preservative 282 in bread.
    “I think parents should know that there is a preservative in what we regard as a healthy food that is eaten several times a day by most children that can affect behaviours and learning disabilities,” Ms Dengate said.
    Preservative 282 is a mould inhibitor that is added to bread.
    “Most people think that additives are tested before approval,” Ms Dengate said. “Well I’ve got news for you, they are not tested for effects in children’s learning and behaviour.”
    The latest research suggests preservative 282 may cause permanent changes to the brain in rats, along with long-lasting defects in learning abilities.
    “All we can say is if it’s causing permanent damage in brains of rats what’s it doing to the brains of our children?” Ms Dengate said.

    Hasil dari penelitian di Malaysia terdapat sekitar 92% roti yang beredar (termasuk roti merek terkenal) menggunakan pengawet lebih banyak sampai 5x dari jumlah yang diijinkan oleh undang-undang. Bagaimana dengan roti yang ada di Indonesia? Informasi yang saya peroleh juga sangat memprihatinkan. (mungkin teman-teman ada yang bisa sharing).

    Di Indonesia makanan basah seperti mie basah, bakso basah, tahu basah, roti, dll, mengandung terlalu banyak pengawet. Dan karena mau murah mereka memakai pengawet yang bukan food grade. Padahal kebanyakan pengawet dihubungkan dengan penyakit ADD hiperaktive. Dan Bread Improver yang terlalu banyak untuk supaya roti dapat mengembang besar sekali bisa menimbulkan kanker (Source Wikipedia: Bread Improver)

    Memang, sebagian anak kecil dan orang dewasa bisa tahan terhadap pengawet ini, tetapi sebagian lagi tidak tahan dan tambah O ‘ On / bloon. Masalah-nya bagaimana kalau anak kita sendiri yang O On alias bloon.
    Kemarin ini di sekolah untuk anak kurang mampu, aku lihat anak cewek umur 5 tahun cakep, tapi kalau diperhatikan lagi anak kecil ini terkena penyakit ADD hiperactive(Jadi kerja-nya goyang melulu). Kasihan sekali, ya !!

    Setelah perang selama ber-tahun2 terhadap perusahaan roti yg masih memakai pengawet roti, akhirnya perusahaan2 roti di luar negeri sudah mulai menghilangkan pengawet dari roti buatan-nya.
    Bagaimana di Indonesia? Bisakah produsen roti di Indonesia semua-nya jujur berkata bahwa mereka tidak memakai pengawet, padahal mereka memberi pengawet se-banyak-banyak-nya pada roti? Beranikah kita sebagai konsumen roti meminta roti yang lebih sehat?

    Sambil menuntut produsen roti untuk membuat roti yang lebih sehat, kita sebenar-nya bisa ber-alih pada rice cake (roti beras panggang) sebagai pengganti roti, seperti “N_asiKriuk Debbie atau Sun Rice dari Australia untuk menyelingi makan roti. Rice cake ini kering dan tak ber-pengawet, sehingga kadar pengawet dalam tubuh & otak yang kita dapat dari makanan lain tidak terlalu menumpuk. Di luar negeri-pun rice cake atau roti beras panggang ini sudah popular dan menjadi pilihan yang lebih sehat.

    Kelebihan dari roti beras panggang sebagai pengganti roti yang lebih sehat antara lain:
    – Karena kering, tidak perlu pengawet.
    – Karena dari beras, rendah kalori-nya.
    – Proses pembuatannya tidak menggunakan pengembang (bread improver) dan pemutih.
    Dengan banyak-nya masalah obesitas, Amerika pun sekarang ber-alih ke produk2 yang terbuat dari beras dan ber-bentuk kering, spt rice crispy atau rice cereal.

    Terima kasih.

    Roti Beras Panggang N_asiKriuk Debbie atau Sun Rice bisa anda dapatkan di supermarket Rezeki, Nano-Pluit dan All Fresh.

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